Flood Destruction: Tools And Equipment To Help You Clear Out Your Home

Just when you think a flood in your area cannot make things worse, you return after the waters have receded to discover a level of destruction like no other. If you have recently survived a massive flood but your home has not, you may find that you have to reduce the damage in your home or gut it entirely. To help with all of the garbage removal and flood cleanup, you could secure a few rented dumpsters and tools that can help. Here are some tools and equipment you can rent to help you begin the clearing out and cleaning up process.

Dumpster Rentals

Rent one dumpster for soaked and soggy items that are starting to smell. This will be your garbage or "total loss" dumpster. Then rent another dumpster for any items that managed to escape the floods but still get a wee bit wet. If these items can be dried out and salvaged, place them in this second dumpster until you can find a safer location for them later. Rent a third dumpster for recyclables; any parts or items taken from your home that are glass, metal, paper, cardboard, etc. Set these dumpsters along one edge of your property and label them so that your helpers (if you have any) can help you sort through the mess.

Water Pump

A water pump helps remove any remaining water from your basement or crawl spaces. By removing any remaining standing water, you can help dry out your home faster and then reassess the damage buried underwater. You can usually rent a manual water pump from most rental equipment stores, but they may have an electrical pump as well. For personal safety reasons, ask the rental associate how to use an electrical water pump before you decide to rent it.


A sledgehammer may be necessary if you need to take out water-damaged walls or cupboards. This may occur in the last stages of flood clean-up, since you will need to remove most of your belongings before you take the sledgehammer to these areas of your home. As the sledgehammer removes pieces of your home, you can take the pieces out to the rented dumpster that you have labeled "total loss," since everything already in this dumpster is soaking wet and destroyed by floodwaters. The sledgehammer can be rented from the same location as the water pump, so you could rent both at once. Contact a company like USA Hauling Service for more information.
